November 29, 2015

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) and co-founder and director of the Strawberry Fields Music Festival Elliot Rothfield have condemned in the strongest possible terms the anti-Semitic graffiti scrawled on the car of a Jewish concertgoer earlier this week. A swastika, ISIS references (“we love ISIS) and the words F*ck Jews were written on the car. After an image of the defaced car was posted on the Strawberry Fields Music Festival Facebook page by the affected party, the post drew several anti-Semitic comments such as: “Maybe ISIS did it” and, “I’m going to gas your family.”
Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, and Elliot Rothfield, Director of the Strawberry Fields Music Festival, issued the following statement:
“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this repugnant and vile anti-Semitic graffiti and find it disturbing that it took place in an event whose entire purpose is to promote inclusivity and diversity. Justifiably, this revolting act of vandalism and subsequent expressions of hatred have sent shock waves through the community and have caused anxiety and fear. The Strawberry Fields Festival is an event that is based around the ideals of love, music and art, and this is the first time that such racist targeting and abuse have infected the celebrations. All those who attend this annual gathering should feel safe and welcome. This hurtful incident and some of the comments posted on the Strawberry Fields Facebook page is yet another sad reminder that Jewish-hatred and the willingness to express it are becoming more prevalent. Anti-Semitism is a persistent and frightening reality in Australia and we all have much work to do in countering this kind of sickening bigotry. It is critical that the message that is sent back to those who seek to spread division and sow the seeds of hatred is that they will not succeed. Prejudice and anti-Semitism have never tarred the spirit of the festival and we call on all young people who believe in acceptance and respect to join us, and to say in one voice that such ugliness will never find a home in Australia. We urge anyone who has information regarding this episode to immediately contact police.”
For more information, please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on, 9272-5677