B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission welcomes statement by U.S Secretary of State John Kerry that ISIS is responsible for genocide

March 18, 2016

Photo: Times of Israel
Photo: Times of Israel

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) has welcomed a statement by U.S Secretary of State John Kerry that the Islamic State is committing genocide against Christians, Yazidis and Shiite Muslims in Syria and Iraq. Secretary Kerry said that the Islamic State’s “entire worldview is based on eliminating those who do not subscribe to its perverse ideology” and  that “Daesh is genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology, and by actions — in what it says, what it believes, and what it does.”

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“We commend and applaud this clear-eyed and morally just declaration by Secretary Kerry that ISIS is committing genocide against Christians, Yazidis and Shiite Muslims in Syria and Iraq. For too long, the world has been silent about the torture, abductions, sexual assaults and murderous barbarism perpetrated by ISIS, and the incomprehensible suffering that its crimes have caused.  Secretary Kerry’s words must now be translated into direct action in order to end the persecution and displacement of millions and the extermination of religious minorities in the Middle East. It is our hope that following this formal designation, the United States and the international community will act comprehensively and forcefully to defend the weak and the vulnerable whose lives and cultural traditions are being viciously destroyed by the brutal terror campaign waged by Isis and increase its efforts to defeat this evil movement.”

The Anti-Defamation Commission, founded in 1979, is Australia’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through educational programs that combat bigotry, prejudice and all forms of hatred.

For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on (03) 9272 5677

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