Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement today:
“Today’s motion was an empty act of symbolism that is a setback for peace between Israelis and Palestinians and does nothing to advance the process. Yes, this resolution is a watered down version of the original misguided and partisan motion crafted by Bob Carr, and the amended motion does Include Israel’s right to exist within secure borders. However, it is profoundly disappointing that this premature and counterproductive resolution urges the next Federal Labour government to “recognise Palestine”. In doing so, the NSW ALP conference has sent the message to the Palestinian Authority that it can skip the negotiating table and continue with its reckless tactics. At present, the West Bank is ruled by the Palestinian Authority, and Gaza is governed by Hamas, a terrorist organization, openly committed to Israel’s destruction. Local authority is divided. What and where exactly is the ‘State of Palestine’ that the motion speaks about? Following today, there will be many who will question the ALP’s ability to play a diplomatic role in the quest for peace between the two parties, especially since the resolution seems to lay all the blame for the impasse at Israel’s feet and conveniently ignores the withdrawal from Gaza and successive conciliatory offers made by the Jewish state.”
For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on (03) 9272 5677.