SHOCKED library users were confronted by a man wearing a swastika armband in Carnegie this week.
A Jewish mum, who was with her young children, was so upset she snapped a pic of the man and sent to the Anti-Defamation Commission.
Commission chairman Dr Dvir Abramovich said he was appalled and angered by the sickening incident.
“It’s chilling to know that parents and children attending a local library in Carnegie have to confront an individual with pure hate in his heart who is hell bent on intimidating and terrifying our community members,” he told Leader.
“The Nazi swastika is a universal symbol of murderous prejudice and evil, and we denounce vigorously this repulsive and repugnant display of intolerance, which is an attack on the decency of all Melburnians.”
It is not illegal to display or wear the swastika symbol but the Anti-Defamation Commission is raising awareness to outlaw it socially.
Mr Abramovich said the incident was a reminder that Neo-Nazism was still a problem in Victoria and the government and police need to tackle it head on.
“We must all remain vigilant, speak out and say clearly the bigotry underpinning this destructive behaviour will never be accepted in our society,” Mr Abramovich said.
Glen Eira Council said they were aware a library patron had been displaying a swastika and had received several complaints regarding “offensive dress and argumentative behaviour.”
Council Community Wellbeing director Peter Jones said they had zero tolerance for racist behaviour, including anti-Semitism and considered the “display and wearing of the swastika as extremely offensive”.
“In circumstances where members of the public display offensive behaviour they are asked to cease the offensive behaviour and if required, to leave Council premises,” Mr Jones said.
The Glen Eira population is 17 per cent Jewish, according to 2016 Census data.
In April after a father and son left a Melbourne gun show traumatised after discovering replica canisters of gas used to kill Jews in Nazi death camps being sold.