A rental home has had a handwritten poster stuck on its ‘For Lease’ sign with shocking racial slurs.
The poster reads: ‘Chinese not welcome’ and it was placed on top of the real estate sign in Mentone, south-east of Melbourne.
Garbageman Sinan saw the poster when he was doing the collection rounds on Wednesday morning.
‘I think it’s disgusting,’ he said.
A rental home in Melbourne has hand a hand-written poster stuck on its ‘For Lease’ sign with shocking racial slurs. The poster reads: ‘Chinese not welcome’
Sinan took a photo of it and sent the photo to Melbourne broadcaster 3AW.
‘I was driving through Cheltenham this morning and just came across this real estate sign, for lease sign, which says ”Chinese not welcome.”’
The property is currently listed in real estate company Buxton.
Department manager of rentals Cathy Halliwell at Buxton Mentone told Daily Mail Australia, ‘We don’t know who put it [the sign] up. We are disgusted by it.’
Ms Halliwell said she drove past the property at about 11am Wednesday morning and said the sign had been removed.
She said neither the real estate agent nor the tenant knew who put the sign up.
Department manager of rentals Cathy Halliwell at Buxton Mentone (pictured) told Daily Mail Australia ‘We don’t know who put it [the sign] up. We are disgusted by it’
‘The For lease sign is still up but the racial slur has since been removed,’ Ms Halliwell said.
Members of the public have taken to social media slamming the person who put up the racist poster.
‘Disgusting, if they are legally in Australia then they have every right to rent,’ one user said.
Another user guessed that a racist neighbour was the culprit.
‘Did they contact the agent to have it removed it would be a racist neighbour that put it there not the agent,’ she said.
Dr Dvir Abramovich Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission said: ‘We deplore in the strongest possible terms this unacceptable outburst of, prejudice-fuelled behaviour. I am increasingly concerned about the tide of bigotry and anti-immigrant fervour that is reaching fever pitch.
‘In addition to the individual directly targeted, such troubling attacks deeply affect the entire community and leaves it feeling vulnerable. As Jews, we know all too well what it is like to be targeted by acts of racism, and we are proud to stand in solidarity with the Chinese community.’