We are Australia’s leading civil rights organisation that works to ensure a safe and fair society for Australians of all faiths and cultures by combating antisemitism and all forms of hatred

Why we do what we do
Jewish communities have deep historical experience of hate and prejudice. To counter antisemitism we need to challenge prejudice whenever it occurs, whether it is directed at Jews or at other minorities.
Since 1979 ADC has worked to prevent, understand and counter antisemitism and all forms of racism. We build bridges with people outside our community and educate others to respect difference. We work to create a society resistant to hate, both for ourselves and for others.
We aim to educate the community about the dangers of racism. Victoria is our focus, but we are also appropriately engaged with Australian and international issues in consultation with other organisations.
Our Story
The Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), established in 1979, is an Australian civil rights organisation whose local and global mission is to fight anti-Semitism, combat all forms of racism and hatred, to counter the defamation of the Jewish people and Israel, and to promote and cultivate respect and understanding between people of all religions and backgrounds. Our core mission is to:
- Monitor and respond to incidents of bigotry, racism and prejudice
- Employ the instruments of research, fact finding, education and the law to counter racism and discrimination
- Counter the delegitimization and defamation of Israel and the Jewish people
- Combat Holocaust denial
- Develop educational materials to deal with the proliferation of online anti-Semitism, bigotry and hatred
- Educate the public about the dangers of anti-Semitism and racism in all its forms
- Build bridges of understanding and friendship among racial, religious and ethnic groups.
The ADC is a not-for-profit Non-Government Organisation (NGO) and is registered as a Harm Prevention Charity. Our funding comes from community support. We welcome your donations.
Jewish communities have deep historical experience of hate and prejudice. To counter anti-Semitism we need to challenge prejudice whenever it occurs, whether it is directed at Jews or at other minorities.
Since 1979 ADC has worked to prevent, understand and counter anti-Semitism and all forms of racism. We build bridges with people outside our community and educate others to respect difference. We work to create a society resistant to hate, both for ourselves and for others.
Our aim is to educate both the Jewish and general community about the dangers of racism.