B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission concerned about reports that Air France has wiped Israel from its in-flight maps

August 2, 2015

For The Australian Jewish News article click here

Air France PicThe B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) has registered its strong concern about reports and images that show that Air France has omitted Israel from its flight-path maps.

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“We would like Air France to clarify whether this omission was deliberate or simply an oversight. Leaving Israel off world maps seems to be part of a larger international phenomenon which seeks to  delegitimize and demonise the Jewish state. The practise of erasing Israel is misleading , unacceptable and offensive. We should recall that only last year Etihad Airways left Israel off its travel-route maps and that earlier this year Harper Collins failed to include Israel in their Collins Middle East Atlas.  At a time when Israel is continuously defamed and its existence is regularly threatened and denied, it is vitally important that companies and organisations do not support biased and false narratives that contribute to this toxic atmosphere and which reinforce such dangerous beliefs.  When such behaviour is frequently repeated, one has to wonder what is driving this intolerable conduct. We hope that this regrettable situation is quickly rectified.”

For more information, please contact Dr. Dvir Abramovich on, 9272-5677