B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission disappointed with Facebook’s delay in removing anti-Semitic post

The B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), Australia’s leading civil and human rights organisation fighting anti-Semitism and hatred in all its forms, has expressed its deep disappointment at the initial decision by Facebook that an image depicting human remains on a shovel with the accompanying tag line “How to pick up Jewish chicks” did not breach its community standards. After attracting 37,000 comments, many of them anti-Semitic, and being shared more than 2000 times, Facebook ruled “We reviewed the post you reported for displaying hate speech and found it doesn’t violate our community standards.” The post was eventually pulled.

Dr. Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement:

“It goes without saying that I’m disappointed by the delay of Facebook to remove this anti-Semitic post which mocks the victims of the Holocaust and disturbed by the vile comments the followed—both clearly violating its community standards. As the world’s biggest social media company, it’s really time for Facebook to walk the walk.  Facebook should not be a hot-house and a cesspool of racism, xenophobia and bigotry, and should not allow its platform to be used by bigots to disseminate and propagate their toxic and hateful invective. By allowing such posts to stay for far too long, Facebook is enabling the flourishing of a vicious and bone-chilling Jewish hatred that is a cause for concern. Facebook should be a vehicle that champions social values and human rights and builds a civil society online, rather than be a facilitator for the proliferation of hate.  At a time of a dramatic rise in anti-Semitism, hate speech, and violence against Jews, to have such posts only helps to blow on the embers of prejudice. Facebook  will not get a free pass and we hope that they  have the good sense to remove such unacceptable, hurtful posts immediately before they are viewed by more users.”

The Anti-Defamation Commission, founded in 1979, is Australia’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through educational programs that combat bigotry, prejudice and all forms of hatred.

For further information please contact Dr Dvir Abramovich on (03) 9272 5677.